The Corporate Web

5 Jobs That Will Disappear By 2030


In the upcoming world of artificial intelligence, according to facts and prediction, there is a greater chance that jobs that can be automated will probably disappear. We will discuss, 5 jobs that will disappear by 2030. These job positions furthermore have a higher probability to disappear than any other.

1. The Cashier

Will be replaced by: Self Checkouts

There are already lots of grocery stores that have self-checkouts. In near future, this will be the norm and humans will be the norm and human labor won’t be necessary furthermore. The only thing that will change is that we will need more security to keep an eye on the customer moreover.

2. The Truck Driver

Will be replaced by: Self Driving Trucks

Artificial Intelligence will soon be advanced enough to replace truck drivers. One of the main issues to solve are ethical problems like The Trolley Dilemma (would you kill 5 people to save one or save 5 to kill one in a situation that requires this decision). Most monotonous jobs will be gone within a couple of decades. Disruption is natural and can’t be avoided.

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3. Warehouse Worker

Will be replaced by: Automated Robots

There already are huge warehouses in China that don’t require average employees anymore. The robots transport the goods from A to B, drive to their charging station whenever they run out of battery, and a replacement until jumps in to fill the hole are fully automated.

Human labor in the warehouse will be going to disappear very soon.

4. Cab Drivers

Will be replaced by: Automated Cars

Cab drivers already have to fight with Uber and Taxify but long term they will be hit with the same problem as the truck driver’s due to self-driving cars. Once this innovation is ready, millions of jobs will be surely affected.

A company like TESLA and Hyundai are already in the race, soon Apple will be launching its first Self Driving car in the market and then the world will be changed forever.

5. Travel Agents

Will be replaced by: Website Bookings

Let’s be honest, when was the last time you visited a local travel agency to book your trip? This business is already DEAD! The only people who still book their vacation at a local agency are your grandparents. It’s the previous generation. Travel agencies will be gone very soon.

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The best way to predict your future is to create it

Abraham Lincon



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